HDM - High Desert Milk
HDM stands for High Desert Milk
Here you will find, what does HDM stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate High Desert Milk? High Desert Milk can be abbreviated as HDM What does HDM stand for? HDM stands for High Desert Milk. What does High Desert Milk mean?The United States based company is located in Burley, Idaho engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of HDM
- His Dark Materials
- High Definition Mobile
- Help Desk Manager
- High Density Modulation
- Hamadan, Iran
- Harvard Design Magazine
- Honest Direct Message
- His Dark Materials
View 53 other definitions of HDM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HSI Helium Systems Inc
- HLC Hingham Lumber Company
- HDC Hunter Development Corporation
- HNWM Health Net of West Michigan
- HLI Hope of Life International
- HFAAHS Harding Fine Arts Academy High School
- HHCD Habitat for Humanity Capital District
- HHHV Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley
- HEI Harvest English Institute
- HWAC Herbert W. Armstrong College
- HHM Habitat for Humanity of Michigan
- HAFHDB Home Away From Home Dog Boarding
- HCPA Hmong College Prep Academy
- HMABP HMA the Benefits People
- HCD Hilton Cleveland Downtown
- HSCPD Hendricks Superior Courts Probation Dept.
- HSC The Home Service Club
- HOG Hands On Gourmet
- HC Helvetia del Caribe